Wednesday, December 14, 2022

HCI Imp. Que.


Unit – 1

(2 Marks Questions)

1.      Define user interface.
2.      What are the two components of user interface?
3.      Define indirect manipulation.
4.      What is graphical user interface?
5.      Define human computer interaction.
6.      What are the advantages of graphical systems?
7.      What are the disadvantages of graphical systems?
8.      What are the characteristics of graphical user interface?
9.      What are the characteristics of direct manipulation?
10.  What are the design goals in creating user interface?


Long and Medium Answer Type Questions


1.        Explain web user interface.

2.        What is popularity of graphics?

3.        Discuss the popularity of web interface.

4.        Describe the principles of user interface.

5.        Why web user interface design difficult?

6.        What are the benefits of good design?

7.        Describe the importance of good design.

8.        Describe the concept of direct manipulation.

9.        Write a short note on history of screen design.

10.    What do you mean by graphical user interface?

11.    Describe the characteristics of graphical system.

12.    Describe the characteristics of intranet versus the internet.

13.    What are the usability problems in graphical system?

14.    What are the characteristics of web user interface?

15.    Describe the principles established the foundation for graphical interfaces.

16.    Describe the design goals in creating user interface.

17.    Explain the five commandments for designing user interface.

18.    What is graphical system? Write down its advantages and disadvantages.

19.    What do you mean by user interface? Define user interface design. Why user interface is important? 


                                                                    Unit – 2

(2 Marks Questions)

1. Define sensory storage.

2. Define foveal and peripheral vision.
3. What is visual acuity?
4. What are the task considerations for job?
5. Write down some psychological characteristics of user?
6. What are the direct methods for determining requirements for business?
7. Define conceptual model.
8. What are the basic business functions?
9. What are the physical reactions to poor design?
10. What are the typical psychological responses to poor design?


Long and Medium Answer Type Questions

1.   Discuss human computer interaction.

2.   How a person interact with computer.

3.   What are the factors that make system difficult to use ?

4.   Explain the guidelines for designing conceptual models.

5.   Discuss business and requirement analysis.

6.   What are the psychological responses to poor design ?

7.   Designing a website, what kinds of interview questions are appropriate for asking users ?

8.   How standard and guidelines valuable to users and developers ?

9.   What are the physical reactions to poor design ?

10.   Explain focus group. What are steps in setting up a focus group ?

11.   Explain card sorting for websites.

12.   Describe the steps for creating electronic survey.

13.   Determine the basic business functions.

14.   Describe human consideration in design.

15.   What are the characteristics of mandatory use in user’s task for design ?

16.   Give the characteristics of discretionary user.

17.   Explain human interaction speed.

18.   What are the methods for gaining an understanding of users ?

19.   Explain the important human characteristics. Describe the following term with respect to human characteristics in design :

a. Information processing

b. Mental models

c. Learning

d. Skills

e. Individual differences


Unit – 3

(2 Marks Questions)

1. Define screen density.
2. Define the goals in screen design.
3. Name the ordering scheme.
4. Define statistical graphics.
5. What are the types of statistical graphics?
6. How to organize elements clearly and meaningfully?
7. What are the qualities of visually pleasing composition?
8. What are the components of statistical graphics?

Long and Medium Answer Type Questions

1.   What is screen design ? Define a well designed screen.

2.   Describe the goals in screen design.

3.   What is meant by screen and define it purpose.

4.   How we can organize screen elements clearly and meaningfully ?

5.   Describe ordering of screen data and content.

6.   What do you mean screen navigation and flow ?

7.   What do you understand by visually pleasing composition ?

8.   How to group screen elements using border ?

9.   Discuss amount of information.

10.   How to minimize the problems in scrolling ?

11.   Discuss about the term ‘Distinctiveness’.

12.   Discuss the techniques to provide emphasis.

13.   How to convey depth of levels or a three-dimensional appearance ?

14.   How information is presented simply and meaningfully ?

15.   Discuss about information entry and modification screens.

16.   Discuss intranet and extranet design guidelines.

17.   Write short note on statistical graphics.

18.   Explain the components of statistical graphics.

19.   What are the types of statistical graphics?

20.   Discuss the perceptual principles that can be used to aid screen functional groupings.

21.   Discuss technical consideration in interface design for :

i. Graphical system

ii. Web system

iii. Other web consideration

22. Discuss the following:

i. Webpage size

ii. Scrolling and paging



Unit – 4

(2 Marks Questions)

1. Define windows.
2. What are the types of window?
3. Define connected menus.
4. Describe the structure of menus.
5. What are problem with colour?
6. What are the components of window?
7. What are website navigation problems?
8. Write down the characteristics of windows.
9. List down the advantages of overlapping windows.

 Long and Medium Answer Type Questions

1.       Discuss windows and its characteristics.

2.       What are the components of window ?

3.       What are selection controls ?

4.       Discuss message box controls.

5.       Describe the various operable controls.

6.       What is text ? How we present and write text ?

7.       What are the problems related to color ?

8.       What is icon ? Write down the characteristics of icons.

9.       Discuss text for web pages.

10.   What are the message box guidelines recommended by Microsoft ?

11.   Describe the window presentation style.

12.   What are the advantages of tiled window and overlapping window ?

13.   What are the different types of windows ?

14.   Explain different window management schemes.

15.   Describe the structure of menus.

16.   Discuss the functions of menus.

17.   What are website navigation problems ?

18.   What are the various task performed by device-based controls.

19.   Discuss the findings to select the proper device-based controls.

20.   Discuss the guidelines for selecting proper device-based controls.

21.   Discuss various device based controls. What are the advantages and disadvantages of :

i.         Trackball ii. Joystick

ii.       Graphic tablet iv. Touch screen






Unit – 5

(2 Marks Questions)

1. Define software tool.
2. What are commonly used software tools?
3. Define specification method.
4. What are interface building tools?
5. Write down some interaction devices.
6. Write down the features of interface building tools.
7. Explain speech recognition.
8. Define gesture and speech recognition.
9. What are the types of pointing devices?

Mixed Questions



1. Describe various usability goals and measures.
2. Write a short note on the fast movement through menus
3. Distinguish between keyboards and keypads
4. Discuss on the issues related to webpage design
5. Describe the taxonomy of user manuals and tutorials
6. Define the term multidimensional data
7. Describe five main issues that may affect the design, implementation or marketing
8. Explain Shneiderman’s three pillars of design
9. Discuss the classification of Menus
10. Provide three examples of an application where menu selection and form filling are more appropriate than a direct-manipulation strategy
11. Elaborate on various pointing devices
12. What are the various abbreviation strategies and also discuss on abbreviation guidelines
13. What are the guidelines for alphanumeric displays, spreadsheets and Graphs
14. List few common mistakes of web-based display of information
15. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reading on paper and reading on computer display
16. “Online communities are useful for User Assistance” – Justify this statement describing various weaknesses and strengths
17. What is information Visualization? Explain how it caters to the perceptual abilities of humans
18. Explain advanced filtering and search techniques
19. What should we do to achieve Usability?
20. Write the guidelines for Menu-selection.
21. Compare and contrast the characteristics of various pointing devices.
22. Illustrate the variability in system response time.
23. Mention the potential disadvantages of reading from displays.
24. What is the reference model for visualizations?
25. Explain in detail about the usability measures.
26. Discuss the organizational design to support usability.
27. Explain the various strategies for combining multiple Menus.
28. What are the application domains that exist for devices with small displays? Explain with examples.
29. List and explain the strategies for command organization.
30. Describe about discrete word recognition and continuous speech recognition in detail.
31. Explain about users’ tasks and needs which are important in user interface design.
32. Discuss and elaborate the issues to be considered in choosing colors for web pages
33. What is Transition diagram? Explain its advantages and disadvantages with examples.
34. Explain in detail about context-sensitive help.
35. Discuss with examples about the database searches.
36. What are the challenges that information visualization researchers need to face to create successful tools? Explain.
37. Mention the usability goals for our profession
38. What are menu-selection and dialog box trees?
39. Compare and contrast between specificity and generality.
40. Write the primary factors that influence users’ expectations and attitudes regarding system response time.
41. Give a brief note on animated demonstrations.
42. Discuss about the multilingual searches.
43. Why do we really want usability? Explain with suitable examples.
44. Discuss the Social impact statement for early design review
45. Explain the various guidelines for designing dialog boxes.
46. Discuss about the menus for long lists with examples.
47. Describe the Speech digitization and generation.
48. Explain the system functionality to support users’ tasks.
49. Discuss the role of User Productivity in determining system response time.
50. Describe choosing colors for statistical graphical screens.
51. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online manuals?
52. Discuss the use of OAI model to design manuals with suitable diagrams.
53. Describe the five-phase framework to clarify user interfaces for textual search.
54. Discuss the data type by task taxonomy to identify information visualization data types.

Computer Organization

  Boolean algebra  is the category of algebra in which the variable’s values are the truth values,  true and false,  ordina rily denoted 1 a...